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The Beguiled: New Images Get Gothic and Gorgeous Collider Check out new images for 'The Beguiled' Sophia Coppola's Southern Gothic thriller starring Colin Farrell Nicole Kidman Kirsten Dunst and Elle Fanning The Beguiled - 2017 - ComingSoonnet Plot Summary: "The Beguiled" is an atmospheric thriller from acclaimed writer/director Sofia Coppola The story unfolds during the Civil War at a Southern girls The Beguiled (2017) - IMDb Directed by Sofia Coppola With Kirsten Dunst Nicole Kidman Elle Fanning Colin Farrell At a girls' school in Virginia during the Civil War where the young women The Beguiled (1971) - IMDb Directed by Don Siegel With Clint Eastwood Geraldine Page Elizabeth Hartman Jo Ann Harris While imprisoned in a Confederate girls' boarding school an injured Beguile Define Beguile at Dictionarycom Beguile definition to influence by trickery flattery etc; mislead; delude See more The Beguiled Movie Official Website Trailers and The Beguiled is an atmospheric thriller from acclaimed writer/director Sofia Coppola The story unfolds during the Civil War at a Southern girls boarding school The Beguiled Trailer: Colin Farrell Causes Trouble for The first trailer for The Beguiled director Sofia Coppola's first film in 4 years arrives and shows off its gloomy American Gothic charm THE BEGUILED - Official Teaser Trailer [HD] - In Theaters Acclaimed writer/director Sofia Coppola brings you a seductive thriller starring Colin Farrell Nicole Kidman Kirsten Dunst and Elle Fanning www Beguiled - definition of beguiled by The Free Dictionary As the omnibus contained only one other passenger a sleepy old lady Amy pocketed her veil and beguiled the tedium of the way by trying to find out where all her The Beguiled (2017) - Rotten Tomatoes "The Beguiled" is an atmospheric thriller from acclaimed writer/director Sofia Coppola The story unfolds during the Civil War at a Southern girls' boarding school
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